Loving One Another
When people become Christians, it is important for them to read the Bible regularly and develop our own patterns. But when we decide to follow Jesus we become part of the body of Christ, joined with over believers by the Holy Spirit.
Being apart of the body of Christ means that we can be cared for and natured in our faith by the others. It also involves serving God and his people with whatever gifts he has given us (Romans 12:3-8).
The New Testament stresses the importance of meeting together with over believers to 'spur one another on towards love and good deeds' (Hebrews 10:24). As we learn to love and serve one another, we can stand firm in the face of opposition and other challenges. And, as we learn to speak the truth into situation, motivated by our love for God and each other.
Jesus taught his disciples to love one another just as he loved them. He also lived what he taught - for example, he washed his disciples feet in an act of loving humility. His ultimate act of love was his death on the cross. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we too can show the fruit of love in our lives.
Believers can also encourage one another in everyday life to follow Jesus more faithfully. This can be especially important when a believer is tempted to turn away from God. And just as the New Testament writers have encouraged Christians through history to pursue faith, hope and love, we too can do the same.