One time, Jesus's disciple asked him to teach them how to pray. He answered with the Lord's prayer.
Jesus wants us to keep asking our loving Father for the things we need because he is our provider. He says that that if an earthly father will give his child what they need when they ask him, we can be confident that our heavenly Father will give us what is best.
What do we ask God for? In the Lord's Prayer, the first thing we should address is God as out Father. As believers we cherish our deep, personal relationship with our heavenly Father. This is the foundation of prayer and the base for when we pray.
Then we pray thats God's name should be honoured by everyone. We pray that it will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then we pray that his kingdom shall come so that people can live under the rule of Jesus and that whatever His will is it shall be done.
Then Jesus tells us to pray for these 3 things shall be done.
- Our daily bread-that is all we need for life
- forgiveness of our sins
- protection from the evil one, Satan
Jesus also said nothing about posture when we pray. That we can be free to sit, kneel, stand or walk. In groups or alone, whether we pray aloud or silently.
'Prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.'